do you know the difference between Putt-Putt and “Mini-golf”? Putt-Putt is the only trademarked miniature golf game. created in North Carolina in 1954 by Don Clayton, the game features a rigid set of rules paired with regulation courses. (there are no windmills or clown’s mouth’s to navigate in Putt-Putt!) Mr. Clayton started selling franchises only one year after creating the “sport” and in the 1980s Putt-Putt Golf & Games had reached over 1,000 courses worldwide. if you were a kid back then, you probably remember Putt-Putt for the Fun of it !
as a side note, does anybody have a copy of the elusive Lee Carvello’s Putting Challenge videogame?
*more Putt-Putt World Magazine covers as well as “the ladies of Putt-Putt” over on